All American Sponsorship
Monday, July 8th
8:00 am Check In / Breakfast 9:00am Shotgun Start
Lakewood Oaks Golf Club
Sponsorship Level Includes:
- 2 foursome golf teams
- Hole sponsor signage
- Company logo/info on golf itinerary
- Promotion on BSSHS football social media accounts
- Promotion on
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials for gift bags
- Engraved plaque
- Opportunity to have company flag pins on each hole
- Half time shout outs at Varsity home games
- Large logo to Varsity home game sponsor banner
Raising funds for:
- New SpeedFlex & Axiom Helmets
- Xtech shoulder pads & Head Impact monitoring systems
Click Here to View the Golf Tournament Flyer
All American Sponsor
Sponsor at the All American Level: Click Here